Friday, October 3, 2008

1st Trip to Hungary!


Unknown said...

Mariann és Dave! Nagyon jó volt veletek talákozni és az öt kisember is csodálatos! Puszi Sopronból: Ildi & Balázs

Maribeth said...

Oh how wonderful. Such a blessing and now it is shared in person with your family!!!

Unknown said...

Hi, sweet babies sweet parents, sweet grandm.s
Love you

chilykee said...

Még Magyarországon vagytok? Mert annyira megismernélek titeket és az 5 lurkót - annyira édesek! És amúgy melyik városba jártok?


Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

Oh my goodness, they are growing so much! I can't believe you brave, brave people went all the way to Hungary with five little ones!! And I, thought it was hard with just one!

I'm sure your family must have had the grandest time with all of your children. What fun!