Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy 7 months!

" Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..." Jeremiah 1:5
May 19th made us think. It's not only Uncle Zolie's 20th Birthday (he is Manna's brother in Hungary) but the Quints are 7 months old today.

It is strange because after 7 months of pregnancy they are in this world for 7 months as well.

Enjoy our most recent family photo.
Our photographer was Natasha this time also.
Mate, Annabelle, Hanna, Lili and Tommy on the right.


biborcsiga said...

wow, egy kép, amin mindannyian együtt vagytok rajta. gyönyörű!
és gratula:)

Stacy said...

Manna, your babies are looking so beautiful and so healthy! You are glowing:) And, I can't believe Zoli is 20!!!

Gyöngyi said...

Kedves Mariann És David !
Sokat nőttek a kisbabáitok. kész hölgyek és urak.A képeiteken látszik a boldogság. Örülünk, ha látunk benneteket. Minden jót kivánunk. Gyöngyi , Józsi /Mosonmagyaróvár/