Sunday, September 19, 2010

and more pictures

These photos were mainly taken by Misi Papa and Agi. See what they have captured.
Thanks to Aunt Lisa we can use our pass to the Children's Museum. We enjoy going there so much.
I always ask myself. Who enjoys it the most? The kids or me?
It's beautiful to see how their little mind is opening up, developing...they ask lots of questions, they want to do things on their own...Is it familiar? In the midst of "thick" discipline I have to remind myself they have to go through this (and we have to go through with them) in order to be the little people God designed them to be.
It can be testing and you know what it shows how impatient my heart can be. Us parents have to change as well and grow in many areas as we parent them...
Anyways, here is an other slideshow.

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