Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Final thoughts

Conclusion of the trip and final thoughts. The following quotes made me think the past couple of months.

 "You never really leave a place you love. Part of it you take with you. Learving a part of yourself behind." This is how both Mate and I felt after we said our goodbyes in Birmingham. God blew our socks off with this trip! God's devine provision was like a weaving thread through the whole journey. It was so much more than just therapy. It was a road for Matthew to grow up, be independent and for me to realize he is indeed a "big boy"now (even though he is our baby) and I have to treat him accordingly. I personally felt like I was in OT school (so enjoyed it). I learned so much and try my best to intergrate the new approach in our everyday crazy busy life. We miss Alabama but the beautiful friendships that were born there still remain and the memories will be cherished. Now we have hearts to love and be loved and cared by down there too. What a blessing! You might now that the meaning of Matthew's name is: "Gift of God". Little did we know about the Lord's mighty plan when we picked it.

"What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God." Your gift made it possible for our little boy to gain life long skills and learn to use wings instead of crutches. Our trip continues here in Indiana, which requires much dedication, conisistency and wisdom to balance everything. Thank you so much for your investment of time following the updates, your support in any ways, prayers and your sweet Friendship, which means so incredible for us!

Love, Dave, Manna and children

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